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Excellence is to resolve a Common business problem in an Uncommon way.

Leverage Our Resources

Our goal is to keep our people up-to-date and equipped with Technology as their armour and Workarounds as there Shields.

PowerBI Techie Talks

The activity has been designed to showcase different capabilities of Power BI, new updates and third party integration functionalities that can be implemented to create dynamic and interactive reports for any organization. The scenarios covered as a part of this activity are the client use cases with different requirements. The main goal of this activity is to turn any chunk of data into stories for drawing out amazing insights!

Workaround Mondays

It is a series to unravel the concealed workarounds along with not so frequently known features, and enlighten our clients and consultants with tips and tricks. It highlights the real life scenarios’ implementation to achieve complex functionalities and render seamless analytical experience for the customers.

ThoughtSpot Techie Tuesdays

This series is dedicated to the technologies that mark a footprint in the tech world. ThoughtSpot is one such tools that is redefining the future of business intelligence. You can use this series to capture the out-of-the-box features and functionalities of the tool - from interface to architecture - and enhance the overall approach of 'Making Data Speak'.

Tableau Makeover Monday

Makeover Monday is a weekly social project which is driven by tableau enthusiasts where each week they provide an interesting dataset. Every Sunday when the new data is up, we analyze, vizualize, engage, and then finally share the dashboard with the data family. Here you will learn about some interesting facts from Music Industry to World Happiness Indicator, along with unique ways of visualizing data.

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